Area I Association
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Summer Events for Teachers

So now the kids are gone and you can finally get some work done, right?  A great way to show your administration that you deserve an 11 or 12 month contract is to provide them with a summer plan.  Click on the document below for an example of a summer plan.  Download it and personalize it to fit your needs.  Then keep it up to date according to how many days you actually work.  This is great documentation and helps you stay organized and focused on the tasks at school that must be done, but also forces you to count those all important family/vacation days!

There are many summer workshop opportunities (find many of those here) for you to increase your knowledge base and stay updated with changes in the field.  The VATAT Professional Development Conference is a great place to start and can motivate you to begin your school year on a positive note.  Many of the universities offer trainings, conferences and workshops that will fit any person's budget and time frame.  Find information about our professional association here:

If you have information concerning any workshops or other summertime events, be sure to send an email to: 


VATAT Summer Plan Chandra Corse 5/27/2010 61 KB
Summer Plan Example Chandra Corse 5/27/2010 25 KB
Summer Plan (the way we used to do it:) Chandra Corse 5/27/2017 5639 KB



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