Area I Association
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Area I FFA Association

  Click on our calendar to see what is coming soon!

This website is home to a youth-led organization for students enrolled in agricultural science classes in the panhandle of Texas - home of the Area I Association!  With it's 39 counties, 100 chapters and over 10,000 members, check out just a few our annual activities:

  • Scholarship Selection/Advanced Degree Check - May
  • Area I FFA Convention - May
  • Area I FFA Leadership Conference @ Clarendon College - June
  • Area I Electric Camp Sponsored by Xcel Energy - June
  • State FFA Convention - July
  • FFA Officer Training - August
  • Area I FFA Greenhand Leadership Conference - September
  • National FFA Convention - October
  • Area I Leadership Development Events - November
  • Area I Tractor Technician Career Development Event - January
  • Area I Career Development Events - April

To find out more about the FFA, ask any local agricultural science teacher or FFA member!  

The FFA Motto: 
"Learning to Do, Doing to Learn,
Earning to Live, Living to Serve.

Find us on Facebook and Instagram



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