In response to teachers who are new to the Area, this page is designed to help answer some questions about those that are elected to lead.
The Area I Association and VATAT have elected leadership positions that rotate and change every year. This page is dedicated to describing expectations and requirements for being elected to these positions. It is the goal of this rotational schedule to incorporate every ag teacher into some sort of leadership position throughout their teaching career to ensure that all the responsibilities and work for the Area and districts are delegated out. In this manner, one teacher is not overwhelmed, but can carry his weight for a period of time before allowing another teacher to benefit from the role another time. In addition, it increases the appreciation and understanding for how the organization functions as a whole, therefore increasing the knowledge base for teachers in our area. We feel we should be called to serve in these capacities and should feel honored to be elected by our peers.
Past Area Coordinators: (that I can remember -- these are not in any particular order)
Danny Ivy - served several times
John Weathers - served several times
Scotty Windham - served several times
Gib Watson - served several times
Bruce Smith
Fud Robertson
Barron Wetsel
Jerry McCracken
Dennis Moore
Kenn Carr
Robert Cooper
Rick McKay
John Davidson
Kevin Kelley
Robert Herrington
Jeff McGinnis
Trevor Williams
Darin Martinez
Johnny Brock
Chandra Corse
Joe Jones
Kevin Kelley
Tracy Blount
Weston Born
Alfredo Rodriguez
Alan Been
Josh Stewart - 2 times
Kyle Bates
Kyle Pate
Jay Newton - 4 times
Calvin Daugherty
Rob Hawkins
Jim Cooper
Laci Vogel
Shane Miller ~ elected to serve, moved to Area II before last year of term
Cody Joe Bonds ~ elected to serve, moved to WTAMU rodeo coach before last year of term
Aaron Bednarz
Casey Jones
Crystal Stewart
Elected Officer Positions in Area I
Each year at the annual Professional Improvement Conference held for Ag Science Teachers in Texas, our area holds its annual meeting on Tuesday in the designated location. (be sure to check out VATAT for more info about the conference) An example of the past years agenda and the notes about it are at the bottom of this page. Because there are many decisions that are needed to be made and events that must be held on the area level, it was decided that an elected panel of officers from the field of teachers in Area I play that role. The hierarchy was originally set up like this:
1) A teacher would arrive in the district of his employment. (5 years or so minimum to allow for culture shock and other adjustments that are necessary for first years of teaching) Remember that we want RETENTION OF teachers and getting them accustomed to their new and very important position in the district is imperative. If we overwhelm them with tasks that they are not equipped to handle yet, they will encounter burnout at a very fast rate.
2) The same teacher would then be elected to serve at the district level as a district secretary, assisting with district events like LDE's, dues & rosters, CDE contests, district meetings, degree checks, conventions, elections, speaking events, banquets, camps, etc. This might happen after the teacher had been in the area at least 5 years, felt comfortable with his OWN CHAPTER and department before attempting to take on this task.
3) This teacher would then move up the district officer rank, going from Secretary to VP the next year, then to serve the district as President (or chairman).
4) If the teacher who has served his district feels ready, he can be nominated to serve as the Area Secretary, then moving up in 3 years to serve as Area Coordinator. Then he rotates off and still serves on the executive committee, offer advice and suggestion for the current area officers.
Below is some expected items for Area Coordinators, copied from Josh Stewart, who served the Area for 5 years recently as AC. It might help someone considering the position and these items can be shared with your administration, so they would know what to expect. As always, talking with the current and past AC's and executive committee members is a great way to collect information.
"At the bottom of this email is a very basic calendar of events that
anyone serving on the executive committee is responsible for. Keep in
mind, it is a three-year term because it is a learning process. None of
the burden is placed on one person, although Alan and Chandra handle
many of the problems before they happen. I found that when I served as
the coordinator, there were a few times when everyone looked to me to
make a decision, but most of the time a decision was reached through
input and made by the group…and like any administration, I always felt
like the person doing the talking, but usually it was everyone else
behind the scenes making things happen. When you surround yourself with
good people, you usually come off looking pretty good…as long as you
know when to listen, and when to speak. Our area business is becoming
more and more streamlined, and the real job of the coordinator is the
transfer of information (the biggest part of the job is to receive,
locate, and share a timely manner). People rely on the
coordinator to answer stupid questions and make sure no one misses a
deadline (and have the hard discussions with the ones that do miss
them). It is really not as big of a job as people make it out to be
(especially when the rest of the committee is pulling the majority of
the weight).
August - Area Coordinators meeting held on Monday of ATC (usually 1 full day, and a day to travel)
September/October - reminders about FFA dues, LDE contests, and validations, stock show items, Area Greenhand Leadership Conference
November - Area LDE Contest
December - Area Coordinator planning meeting (usually one day, and 1/2 a day to travel)
January - Tractor Tech contest (one day, usually handled by Chandra)
April - Area CDE contest (checking the scoring rooms for problems)
- Area Scholarships (if you are needed)
May - Area Convention, Area degree check, Nom Com & Officer elections
June - State Degree Check
- Area Electric Camp
- Area Leadership Camp
July - State FFA Convention
- VATAT Conference
the year it will be important to be looking ahead at the calendar and
remind teachers about what is going on…but Alan will beat you to it
almost every time. There will also be the random conference call or zoom meeting to
handle some business, or someone from the state office requesting some
information or the name of a committee member. Your email and your cell
phone will be necessary.
Hope this helps…
Calendar of many of the responsibilities of Area Executive Committee